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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Chapssalddeok (Korean Style Mochi)

Uhmmm,,, niat awal siy sebenernya pengen bikin mochi ala Sukabumi duluan. Tapi ngeliat cara bikinnya kok ribet ya? hehehee,,, pas liat cara bikin mochi Korea ini,, wuahhh gampang bener,, tinggal pake microwave hehheee,,, langsung semangat deh. Kali ini mochinya aku bikin plain warna putih aja. Isinya ya original Korea, yaitu isi kacang merah (Red Bean Paste). Untuk isi kacang merahnya dapet resep dari Aeri's Kitchen, untuk adonan rice cakenya aku juga dapet resep dari Aeri's Kitchen juga.

Home made red bean paste:
4 cup red bean, cuci bersih, lalu rendam semaleman, cuci lagi, tiriskan, masak sampai benar-benar empuk, lalu blender dengan sedikit air.
2 1/2 cup sugar (i only used 2 cup)
1/2 tsp salt

Campur semua bahan, masak dengan api kecil hingga kalis. Siap digunakan. Bisa disimpan di kulkas atau di freezer.

1 cup sweet rice flour (i used glutinous rice flour)
1/2 tsp salt
3 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 cup water
3/4 cup red bean paste (make into 8 balls)
some corn starch for dusting

1. Mix flour, salt and sugar. Gradually add the water until blended. Cover with plastic wrap. Cook in microwave for about 3 minutes, then mix it well. Cook again for about 1-2 minutes. Stir the dough for about 3 minutes until soft.
2. Move the dough to cutting board that already dusting with a corn starch. Roll the dough then divide it into 8 pieces. Flat each piece then fill it and make a ball. Roll it and cover it with more corn starch.

Selamat mencoba moms :)


Redita said...

Hayyyy, i love your food blog, food photography nya keren abis:). Im soooo jealous:). Keep posting ya:).

Nony Aska Daulika said...

Thanks Redita udah mampir,,,
Thanks for the appreciation,,,
Thank youuuu :)

HexA said...


sis,,,saya contek ya resepnya hehehe


Nony Aska Daulika said...

Hai sis,, silahkan,,,